Frequently Asked Questions


This section is for our frequently asked questions about our services. 

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are you licensed?

Yes, we are licensed, bonded, and insured.  We believe that in order to properly operate as a business you'd tell your friends about that all the behind the scenes mechanics should be taken care of. As a result, we go above and beyond to ensure that we are in compliance with city and/or local laws.

i filled out the form, what's next?

There are two methods of contact for this business: 1.) you can fill out the contact form. 2.) you can give us a call at the information above.  After contacting us, we will then schedule a consultation and provide a free estimate. If the estimate is to your liking then we will develop a project timeline, fill out necessary paperwork such as contracts, permits, et cetera, and payment dates. Finally, we'd start the job and complete it on time. 

how do i know what materials i need?

Mr. Alexander will make a schedule and keep you informed/give you advance notice as to when you will need to make these decisions. We give recommendations on materials, but try to make this process as detailed and smooth as possible, which means we will keep you informed of different material options along the way. 

what if i decide i want to make a change?

We are well aware that this happens sometimes. In the construction industry, we contractors call this a “change order”. Once it is known what the requested change is, Mr. Alexander will quote you a price in writing, and normally, expects payment of that change prior to making the change. Some customers do experience this during construction or remodel, and it is not unusual to have 3-5 change orders. Each change order will be in writing, and will be consecutively numbered for your records.

what are your hours of operation?

Please call the Alexander Builders contact number at 773-628-9064 from 8:10 am to 6:00 pm CST, Monday through Saturday.


how long does it take to get building permits?

The average processing time for a residential building permit is approximately 5 to 7 business day, excluding holidays. Most commercial building permit applications with a General Contractor identified on the application are processed in approximately 15 business days, excluding holidays. Processing time may be longer if applications are incomplete or if more information and/or additional plans are requested by Mr. Alexander.


Below is a list of some examples of projects that do not require a permit:

  • Replacement of non-structural, cosmetic elements such as floor and wall coverings, cabinets and countertops
  • Constructing a driveway or parking pad
  • Constructing sidewalks and grade level patios
  • Accessory buildings/sheds that are 200 square feet or smaller in size

is there a certain sized project that you can handle?

All. We can handle any size construction or renovation project. Whether you need a construction company for simple projects such as hanging a door or installing windows or for large institutional construction project ranging in the millions, we will bring the same top notch quality and craftsmanship that we provide in each project we complete.

Do you perform work in other states?

No, we perform work only in Illinois.

where do i start?

Call us to schedule a 1 hour appointment in your home. We will discuss your ideas and see the physical space that you have to work with. Be prepared to spend 15-20 minutes with us on the phone before we agree to a meeting to make sure our services are right for you.


Yes, we work with all types of property, from residential areas to schools, churches, and various commercial areas. Contact us today!